Sorry for the long delay loyal readers, with having to move coming up and needing a break from the constant struggle of finding a girl every week I just needed a break. Tonight I am back with a vengeance, I have my next 2 dates lined up and I hope you enjoy this post.
The date started unexpectedly early, I was cleaning my room and apartment when I realized I had gotten everything finished way ahead of schedule. So I send her a text message and she said she was on her way. However, upon further reflection I realized that I hadn’t actually finished cleaning and with a deadline coming up I was pretty frantic about getting everything together. Anyways, on to the part you care about.
Unlike previous girls that had come to my apartment she found parking fairly easily and knew the general area, so I went out to meet her. I realized once again I had been a victim to some my space angles and she was a little bit bigger then I had expected. However, she wasn’t fat just a little chubby, but I promise that barring some horrible camera trickery (which is bound to happen at least once more) I won’t put myself through another night with a big girl. That wasn’t what struck me the most though, what it really was, were the combat boots she had on. I knew that I had made a terrible mistake, but I was in too deep already. She comes inside and sits on the couch, I get her a beer and grab one for myself and we try and figure out what movie to watch. I honestly don’t even remember the first movie we watched, but I don’t think it was a scary one. However, we spent most of the time talking. I found out she knew the area because of the old persons home that’s a few blocks from my apartment. The funny part about it, was that the top half was like an elderly community and the bottom was more of a nursing home, which they tried to hide from the elderly people on the top half of the building. I also found out she was an EMT and that she loved telling horrific stories about her job. I love my horror movies but the 3 finger amputation you had to perform on someone’s hand is not appropriate pillow talk. Needless to say she kept me reeling in horror all night at, a lot more so then the movie. I talked about my job, but I made sure to never be specific about what I did. This became a great cat and mouse game where she tried to try and get information out of me and I stayed hilariously ambiguous. Not being allowed to talk about what I’m working on has become such a useful line during these exchanges. I’m pretty sure she thinks I am an effects animator or some non realistic job like that.
So we start the second movie, and I finish my third beer, I get her to move closer to me, and do the whole arm around half hug half cuddle thing. It is actually extremely relaxing, but whenever I moved my arm up under her chest she made a little mmf sound, so it was pretty clear she was a little on the sensitive side in that area. It was pretty easy to use that to my advantage and I spent the rest of the movie teasing her in that way. However, something wasn’t quite right, and it took me a little too long to figure it out.
The rest of the second movie went by fairly easily and we started the third and final film, a surprisingly entertaining British movie about zombies taking over a town that wasn’t “Sean of the Dead”. During the third movie I get under her shirt and in no time flat she is out of her bra and shirt and was doing some fairly good work on her chest. Without much hesitation I start going for her pants, but had a lot of trouble getting her belt off. We were both laughing at my inability to undo a belt with one hand, which is actually extremely hard to do, even harder when it isn’t your belt. So we start kissing and she has got to be the single worse kisser I had ever kissed in my life. She kept her lips tightly closed together but was sticking her tongue out at me, it didn’t make sense and it wasn’t even a pleasant sensation so I gave up on that for the rest of the night. Anyways, getting the pants undone took longer than expected and I start working on her with my hand, and she lets out the lowest pitched moan I had ever heard from a girl. I tried to ignore it and keep going but it just kept getting lower and lower the more I did, it was the most unfeminine noise I could think of. Fortunately for me she seemed to reach a stopping point, and I was able to pull out and not have to worry about It again.

Next she tried to undo my belt and went through the same hilarious mishaps that I did, we laughed about it and then she went down on me. For a complete inability to kiss she was a beast with her mouth on me. I tried holding out and making it last but she had her lips locked like a vacuum seal down on me, it was the best blowjob I had ever gotten. She was the first girl I had gotten a bJ from who swallowed and it was something I could pretty easily get used to.
Use your imagination
Anyways, after I got off we kind of laid back down together, she kept her shirt off, and I did something I really didn’t expect. Before I could count to three I was out cold, fast asleep and had no rhyme or reason for why. I’m not sure how she reacted because when I came to, before the movie was even finished, she was talked like she had no idea I was asleep.After waking up I go splash some water in my face and when I come back she is sitting in an awkward position so that I am completely unable to be next to her on the couch. So I sit there and watch the movie in this awkward situation and when it’s finished I decide it is time to wrap things up. I apologize for being so tired and she gets the picture. After getting her shirt and bra back on I walk her to the door, and we kiss good night. What I didn’t see coming was her completely missing my mouth and kissing the area between my lip and my nose, pretty much what I should have expected considering the rest of the kisses we had during the night.
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